So you want to join our dive club? Excellent idea. Here’s how everything works.
Dive buddies: Our club divers are happy to buddy up and show you around our dive sites
Keep diving: Being underwater is the best way to keep learning & practicing your skills
Save Money: It’s FREE to join and you receive discounted gear hire for club dives.
Dive Trips: We aim to run a variety of trips around New Zealand & overseas
Conservation: Join our underwater clean up dives and other citizen science projects

We meet at the beach on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 9:45am, and Thursday evenings at 5:45pm.
Other local dives are run on special occasions, often with a BBQ at the beach, New Years, ANZAC Day, Matariki… and will be posted on our Facebook pages.
Our club dives are always dependent on Wellington’s weather conditions and the number of divers, so make sure you get in touch with us a few days prior if you’re planning on joining!

Good question. We have a wide variety of dive sites available along the South Coast, out west or in Wellington Harbour but we won’t make the call until shortly before we head to the dive site, just to ensure that we pick the perfect site for whatever the weather is doing. We expect the dive site to be approximately a 45 minute drive from the shop.
On weekends you can call the shop just after 9am, or on Thursday afternoons around 4pm, and we will let you know where we’ve decided to go.
If you’re planning on coming, let us know in advance. Ideally you’d be in touch with us with your gear requirements the day before the dive is scheduled, to give us time to load your gear in the van. Once you’ve called us and gotten the dive site, come and meet us out there. If it’s your first time, we’ll have you fill out a registration form.
We’ll get everybody into buddy pairs, give a site briefing, and may also have a staff member available to guide you on the dive. Our experienced club divers are always keen to show new divers around but if you want a Divemaster or Instructor with you please book ahead.
If you are joining us over the weekend, you can decide whether you want to do one or two dives.
Still have some burning questions about the dive club? No worries! We’re always available to chat.
Drop into the shop at 14 Waione Street, call us on 045685028, or simply send us an email or Facebook message if that’s easier.
Don’t forget to join our club Facebook group – Dive Club Wellington. We’ll see you out there!