One of our Divemaster Graduates, Holly, tells us how her love of diving & the dive community led her to do her divemaster qualification for personal growth.
One of our Divemaster Graduates, Holly, tells us how her love of diving & the dive community led her to do her divemaster qualification for personal growth.
After a busy month of diving, travel and training we have another busy month ahead. See what is happening at Dive HQ this July.
We have been busy diving around Wellington and down in the sounds.
There are plenty of other dives and activities planned for the month ahead so we hope to see you soon.
What does it take to become a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor?
What can you expect to cover during your PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC). From dive theory and standards to teaching skills in the class room and underwater. Learn what Max went through on his IDC.
Master Scuba Diver Trainer, or MSDT, is a rating that PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors can apply for after reaching certain milestones. Specifically, an instructor has to be able to teach five specialty courses, as well having certified 25 PADI divers. It’s an extra step above the first instructor rating, which shows that an instructor […]
Introducing Max – our newest team member and Dive Instructor.
Pop in store or join us for a dive and meet him in person.