Thinking about joining Dive Club Wellington – we think that’s a great idea. With lots of dive buddies, regular club dives, trips and other activities to keep you diving!
Thinking about joining Dive Club Wellington – we think that’s a great idea. With lots of dive buddies, regular club dives, trips and other activities to keep you diving!
We wanted to highlight some of the key skills in scuba diving, and how to achieve mastery of them. There’s a lot to think about while you dive, but we’ve outlined 3 skills that we believe to be the most important, starting off before you even get into the water:
Pre-dive communication
Buoyancy Control.
Master Scuba Diver Trainer, or MSDT, is a rating that PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors can apply for after reaching certain milestones. Specifically, an instructor has to be able to teach five specialty courses, as well having certified 25 PADI divers. It’s an extra step above the first instructor rating, which shows that an instructor […]
Introducing Max – our newest team member and Dive Instructor.
Pop in store or join us for a dive and meet him in person.
You learnt to dive overseas or only dive on holiday – why is that? Perhaps you think NZ is too cold, lacks colour or is just not exciting enough NZ water is coldThere is no disputing that we dive in temperate waters with temperatures in single digits down south up to 25 C in Northland. […]
Choosing the right dive site for the day is the number one way to make or break a day of diving. Every diver out there would probably agree that choosing the best dive site gets easier with experience, but very rarely does anyone explain what to consider in choosing a site. For me there are […]
Lost buddy procedure Twelve meters deep, fifteen minutes into a dive and you lose your dive buddy. What do you do? The lost buddy procedure is something that we all learnt as Open Water Divers but does everyone understand what, why, when and how this is done? Wellington’s conditions can be tough, and with limited […]
The reson why I started diving was that my Mum and Dad had come home with pictures of them surrounded by fish, I was of the opinion that I need to do that! They looked like they had fun so I imagined myself in amongest all the fish. My first Open Water dive was sceary, […]